Friday, 7 October 2011

Commenting request

So I tested some things regarding commenting since I'm having difficulty commenting on everyone else's journals when I'm at work.

I have discovered that I can properly leave a comment on a blog as long as capcha text is turned off in individual blog settings. That is why I could comment on my own blog but not on anyone else's.

I've turned off the setting for capcha text and have also enabled anon-posting on this blog to make this easier for anyone else who might be experiencing problems but at the moment I still can't post on your blogs! So I have a request:

Please could you turn off your capcha text in your blog settings?


- Rose / BK


  1. Okay, but if I start getting tapogres it's going right back on. >_>

  2. :D Cool, there were a few things I wanted to mention regarding your posts. Hopefully we're all a bit too low-key for tapogres anyway.

    And don't worry, I'm not as mean as that nasty Mr Sullivan who's giving poor Sarah a hard time. Honest!
