Saturday 8 October 2011

The Unholy Trinity

Yesterday, I was posting about what would happen should the regular Walter turn up in the mirror!bar and I mentioned multiple Walters. You've seen two of them around a fair bit during RP but another Mr Sullivan has graced the bar with his presence on a couple of special occasions as well. So who is this guy and how many more Walters are there?!

 Oh god don't tell me--

Luckily for all, there's only three: the corpse, the ghost and the little boy.

The ghost is the main Walter Sullivan from Silent Hill 4 and the one the Bar is most acquainted with. Past the 11th Sacrament, it is Walter's ghost who commits the murders and drags those he has chosen into his Otherworld. He is the enemy that chases you through Silent Hill 4's levels during the second half of the game and is one half of the final boss (the other of which is his developing 'Mother'). You probably know the most about this Mr Sullivan so I shan't go on.

The little boy is what the ghost refers to as "Little Walter". Little Walter is (debatably) the manifestation of Walter's younger self - some see him as the manifestation of Walter's conscience. He's turned up a couple of times in the Bar looking for his mother. Little Walter is a character you see fairly regularly in the game but he barely says a word because he's scared and shy. He comes across as very innocent and lacking the malevolence of the older Walter. He attempts to stop Walter from committing at least one of the Sacraments, saving Eileen from the initial attempt on her life. Later on he is kidnapped by the ghost Walter and is not seen again until the end of the game. You never fight him but achieving any of the endings other than the 21 Sacraments kills him along with the ghost... :<

Which leaves us with the corpse. ...Unsurprisingly, it's the corpse of the real Walter Sullivan. After Walter had committed the first 10 Sacraments, he took the hearts he had gathered and performed a ritual suicide within a sealed section of Room 302 (which is how he became a ghost). In the Bar, the corpse is hanging out in the back of Walter's creepy room protecting the entrance to the place that Mother sleeps. When I wrote the de-possession of the Spy, the smell and the humming of the fridge were actually little references to this, and if the light had've been on then the Spy would have seen the corpse of the real Walter hung on his cross on the back wall, complete with his carved 11121 feet and fridge full o' hearts and ceremonial oils. The corpse once made a proper Bar appearance as well as being a lurking menace though! Using his god-gifted powers, Walter sang Bohemian Rhapsody together with Little Walter and Corpse Walter. Somehow. Because I thought it would be funny at the time.

And fun times were had by all (except Henry).

So now you know! Info post over.

I thought it might be interesting to post a little background since any Walter turning up is kind of an irregular thing at the Bar and I thought no-one would really remember the poor corpse. That, and I'm always looking for an excuse to post silly fanart. Always! :D

Friday 7 October 2011

Commenting request

So I tested some things regarding commenting since I'm having difficulty commenting on everyone else's journals when I'm at work.

I have discovered that I can properly leave a comment on a blog as long as capcha text is turned off in individual blog settings. That is why I could comment on my own blog but not on anyone else's.

I've turned off the setting for capcha text and have also enabled anon-posting on this blog to make this easier for anyone else who might be experiencing problems but at the moment I still can't post on your blogs! So I have a request:

Please could you turn off your capcha text in your blog settings?


- Rose / BK

Thursday 6 October 2011

Stupid anti-tapogre devices...

Oh god damn. I thought I'd found a way round my problem with commenting at work but it turns out that only works with commenting on my own blog which really isn't that helpful. On everyone else's blogs, it won't load the iframe for the anti-spam captcha and it eats my comment so I guess I'll just have to save what I'm going to say for when I get home.

I'm going to start writing the RP story tonight! I've an outline of what I want to write now so I'm going to send that to the other person involved and see what they think. Things are a bit awkward in that I seem to be out of time with everyone else due to timezones and being unable to stay up to RP due to work so it might be that we write it out through PM and then post it up once it's done. Thankfully due to the nature of the story, it can be written independently of the Bar reacting to it so it doesn't need to be written 'live', so to speak. :)

On another note, I think Race Yer Mates will be pretty interesting - I'm definitely looking forward to Father Squid and Sister Alice's enlightening commentary! I'm still thinking on my (well, Walter's) vote though. Sarah, Rainbow Dash and Kirby are instantly ruled out because Walter. I'm pretty sure Zeph's armour is actually made from wet paper so that's a no. Erebus and Del will probably have issues in Silent Hill since I imagine they've seen some pretty terrible things. Eddie might find some problems there too since Ophelia could easilly become something like Maria. That leaves Gamera and Rebecca, one of which is on a comically undersized bike (which I would totally vote for if I didn't have to factor in Walter's personality here!) and the other of which is riding in a not particularly robust mech. Gamera will be slow but will have staying power. Rebecca will be fast but the obstacles of Toon Town could present a problem for her. I'd probably vote for Del if I thought he'd lack issues but otherwise I'm really not sure. Someone help me make my mind up!

EDIT: Looking at the comment settings for my blog, it looks like you can turn the captcha off and allow anon posting. I don't know whether other people doing that would allow me to post or not but I've turned it off on this blog regardless. I might try and test things out later, see if I can figure something out.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

This post sponsored by SanDisk

Since I was posting about music and stuff, here's what's on my mp3 player for those who feel morbidly curious. Yes, I am a massive geek. :D

Akira Yamaoka - iFUTURELIST
Ayria - Hearts for Bullets
Bastion Original Soundtrack
BlazBlue Calamity Trigger Limited Edition Soundtrack
BlazBlue Continuum Shift (including rips for Makoto, Valkenhayn and Platinum's tracks)
Disgaea 4 Original Soundtrack
Final Fight 3 Soundtrack (.spc files from the game)
Guilty Gear 2 Overture Soundtrack Vol. 2
Homestuck - AlterniaBound
Homestuck - Vol. 5
Homestuck - Vol. 6
Homestuck - Vol. 7
Homestuck - Midnight Crew - Drawing Dead
Kate Bush - Hounds of Love (the only 80s album I own!)
Mega Man 2 Soundtrack (.nsf files from the game)
Mega Man 3 Soundtrack (.nsf files from the game)
Mega Man 9 Soundtrack
Mega Man 9 - Back in Blue OCRemix Album
Persona 2 - The Errors of Their Youth
Shadows of the Damned Bonus Disc
Shadows of the Damned Original Soundtrack
Silent Hill 3 Soundtrack
Silent Hill 4: The Room Soundtrack
Silent Hill: Homecoming Soundtrack
Soul Edge - Khan Super Session Soundtrack
Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition Soundtrack
Sword Master Soundtrack (.nsf files from the game)
Harry Mason Hard Core Remix (from VoidBurger's LP of SH1)
Holywood Undead - My Town (... I blame Street Fight x Tekken)
Zoku Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei - Koiji Romanesque

The Castle of Hassle

Okay, a couple of things.

Firstly, I found the official Shadows of the Damned full soundtrack (which still doesn't feature all of the tracks, sigh) and stuck it on my mp3 player to listen to on the way to work. Which was totally cool until I hit a track called "The Bird's Nest" at which point I did a double take and had to check whether I was listening to the right soundtrack.

It's basically the same track as "Witchcraft" from Silent Hill: Homecoming. I'm not even sure if I would hazard calling it a remix, it's so similar. I love Akira Yamaoka's music but wow, that's kind of lazy.

On the upside, "Different Perspective" is amazing. I tend to like the Mary Elizabeth McGlynn tracks anyway (I love SH4's "Tender Sugar") but this is a particularly good track from her. I reckon I'm going to be listening to it when I write this story for Walter - it's such a melancholy track and when I listen to it, I think of a misty, moonlit forest in summer, crickets and cicadas chirping. Perfect for writing about the Forest World and what happens therein. :3

The other thing is that early morning work should not be allowed. Ever. My boyfriend left for work at 5am this morning. This is a regular thing (he works for Greggs part time and he opens and sets up the shop as part of his role) but normally he is such a light sleeper that he gets up before the alarm goes off. Alas, it was not to be today. I feel like a zombie. To top it off, I have to minute a two hour long meeting this afternoon with a bunch of senior managers! ... This is not going to be fun.

Monday 3 October 2011

Badly Drawn Prawn

Taking a quick break from rushed drawing. There's going to be some great pictures tonight but, uh, also mine. It turns out I am not very good at drawing machines, cars, weaponry, prawns and tigers. I apologise!

I watched the new episode of the SH: Homecoming LP with the boyfriend today (we were going to watch Dead Set but that will wait for another day) and it was great as always. Good god, that game. Highly tempted to do another bit of fanart for the thread now (well, not now now) though there's so much stupidity to chose from, it's hard to know what to draw first! Occasionally I get tempted to get the game but then I think of all the game crippling bugs and the long dull sections that even Kamoc couldn't make fun and I remember why I didn't buy it in the first place. :/

Rant over, here's something a bit more ZF related!

From the BBC News website back in May, less than a week after Monster Truck exploded an unfortunate Croaka Cola frog across an advertising billboard:

This screencap has been on my work computer since May! I always forgot it was there or didn't have time to upload it. It still makes me chuckle. :)


It's lunchtime and I'm starting to calm down now but I've had a rage-worthy morning. All made up of first world problems, of course, but still rather frustrating. I won't bore you too much with the details but the gist of it is this:
  • Got into a fight over something stupid and embarrassing with my mother and brother five minutes after I woke up
  • Ended up being too late for my first train because of this
  • When I went to catch the late train, traffic was so far backed up that a trip that normally takes 7 minutes by car took me about 40
  • Caught the late train by the skin of my teeth, the late train is then delayed less than a minute's distance away from my stop because of tresspassers on the track
  • Finally get to work an hour and a half later than usual and urgent work is piled up ready to ambush me
  • My work colleague is on leave this week so I am covering her workload as well as mine, and I am also covering the role of someone who has moved jobs as well
I know, I know, I should be happy to have a job and be able to pay my mortgage. But when I see other positions out there where they're asking for similar or fewer skills and experience for more money, it's highly agravating (needless to say, I am applying for aforementioned jobs). There are more cuts planned for next year so things are only going to get worse before they get better. It's a bad time to be a public sector worker.

On a lesser note of annoyance, the work computers can't view animated gifs and have issues with various things so I can't actually add comments on these blogs while I'm here. I know I'm here to work but man, that makes lunchtimes such less fun. :<

Sunday 2 October 2011


It is quiet, peaceful even, and the ghostly wheelchairs that usually twist and twirl about on the rusty dance floor in the Otherworld Roller Disco are still for once.

One figure stands silently in the centre of the room, looking no more lifelike than a stringless puppet.

Then a wheel is turned and the music begins, the room whirling into a mass of chaotic motion. The chairs weave about the outside of the room, lit by the glow filtering out behind the slow moving fans covering the walls. The massive fleshy worm jigs with the rhythm in its space through the ceiling and the floor. The creature turning the wheel jerks its head back and forth.

And in the middle of it all, Walter dances.


Taking another break from drawing to write something stupid (the above!). It's also an excuse to post silly fanart (borrowed from Pixiv in this case) and a fun way of showing a little glimpse into the Otherworld Bar. :3

Last but not least?

So I took a break in drawing one mechanical monstrosity biffing another to have a quick look at the ZF forum's RP section and it seems that everyone there now has a blog! I'm notoriously bad at keeping these things up-to-date but I figured 'why not?' and thought it would be nice to be able to comment so here we are.

For those who have no idea what the heck, I guess I'll start from the beginning. I'm an on-and-off roleplayer and artist for Zoofights, a fictional tournament where unethically enhanced animals fight it out to the death. I go by Brilliant Kid as I initially commented as said character from the Fast Show but these days I roleplay as Silent Hill 4's Walter Sullivan because I think his character is interesting and I felt there was far too much fluff in the Bar.

I draw and RP around my job and my boyfriend so I tend to go absent for a couple of days here and there but I enjoy following along and participating where I can. I'm currently planning a plotline for one of the other characters who regularly attends the bar (after the weddings, I hasten to add - I would hate to step on toes). It's small and character-centric so I hope it will be interesting to read!

Right then, I should probably get back to drawing so I'll end this here.