Thursday 6 October 2011

Stupid anti-tapogre devices...

Oh god damn. I thought I'd found a way round my problem with commenting at work but it turns out that only works with commenting on my own blog which really isn't that helpful. On everyone else's blogs, it won't load the iframe for the anti-spam captcha and it eats my comment so I guess I'll just have to save what I'm going to say for when I get home.

I'm going to start writing the RP story tonight! I've an outline of what I want to write now so I'm going to send that to the other person involved and see what they think. Things are a bit awkward in that I seem to be out of time with everyone else due to timezones and being unable to stay up to RP due to work so it might be that we write it out through PM and then post it up once it's done. Thankfully due to the nature of the story, it can be written independently of the Bar reacting to it so it doesn't need to be written 'live', so to speak. :)

On another note, I think Race Yer Mates will be pretty interesting - I'm definitely looking forward to Father Squid and Sister Alice's enlightening commentary! I'm still thinking on my (well, Walter's) vote though. Sarah, Rainbow Dash and Kirby are instantly ruled out because Walter. I'm pretty sure Zeph's armour is actually made from wet paper so that's a no. Erebus and Del will probably have issues in Silent Hill since I imagine they've seen some pretty terrible things. Eddie might find some problems there too since Ophelia could easilly become something like Maria. That leaves Gamera and Rebecca, one of which is on a comically undersized bike (which I would totally vote for if I didn't have to factor in Walter's personality here!) and the other of which is riding in a not particularly robust mech. Gamera will be slow but will have staying power. Rebecca will be fast but the obstacles of Toon Town could present a problem for her. I'd probably vote for Del if I thought he'd lack issues but otherwise I'm really not sure. Someone help me make my mind up!

EDIT: Looking at the comment settings for my blog, it looks like you can turn the captcha off and allow anon posting. I don't know whether other people doing that would allow me to post or not but I've turned it off on this blog regardless. I might try and test things out later, see if I can figure something out.



  2. Not nearly as biased as you, little witch. >:)

  3. I'll have you know Zeph's armor isn't made of wet paper. It's made of wet CARDBOARD.

  4. I fucking HATE Toon Town. I hope you all die in Silent Hill so nobody has to witness that.

    Better yet, all of you just die before the race and save me the effort.

  5. Wet cardboard - the bane of hobos everywhere!

    Sheep, you are the best poster. :)

  6. This is me testing that I can comment when capcha is turned off.

    Anon-posting (signed out) to ensure this isn't just because it's my journal.

    Her we go..!
