Saturday 8 October 2011

The Unholy Trinity

Yesterday, I was posting about what would happen should the regular Walter turn up in the mirror!bar and I mentioned multiple Walters. You've seen two of them around a fair bit during RP but another Mr Sullivan has graced the bar with his presence on a couple of special occasions as well. So who is this guy and how many more Walters are there?!

 Oh god don't tell me--

Luckily for all, there's only three: the corpse, the ghost and the little boy.

The ghost is the main Walter Sullivan from Silent Hill 4 and the one the Bar is most acquainted with. Past the 11th Sacrament, it is Walter's ghost who commits the murders and drags those he has chosen into his Otherworld. He is the enemy that chases you through Silent Hill 4's levels during the second half of the game and is one half of the final boss (the other of which is his developing 'Mother'). You probably know the most about this Mr Sullivan so I shan't go on.

The little boy is what the ghost refers to as "Little Walter". Little Walter is (debatably) the manifestation of Walter's younger self - some see him as the manifestation of Walter's conscience. He's turned up a couple of times in the Bar looking for his mother. Little Walter is a character you see fairly regularly in the game but he barely says a word because he's scared and shy. He comes across as very innocent and lacking the malevolence of the older Walter. He attempts to stop Walter from committing at least one of the Sacraments, saving Eileen from the initial attempt on her life. Later on he is kidnapped by the ghost Walter and is not seen again until the end of the game. You never fight him but achieving any of the endings other than the 21 Sacraments kills him along with the ghost... :<

Which leaves us with the corpse. ...Unsurprisingly, it's the corpse of the real Walter Sullivan. After Walter had committed the first 10 Sacraments, he took the hearts he had gathered and performed a ritual suicide within a sealed section of Room 302 (which is how he became a ghost). In the Bar, the corpse is hanging out in the back of Walter's creepy room protecting the entrance to the place that Mother sleeps. When I wrote the de-possession of the Spy, the smell and the humming of the fridge were actually little references to this, and if the light had've been on then the Spy would have seen the corpse of the real Walter hung on his cross on the back wall, complete with his carved 11121 feet and fridge full o' hearts and ceremonial oils. The corpse once made a proper Bar appearance as well as being a lurking menace though! Using his god-gifted powers, Walter sang Bohemian Rhapsody together with Little Walter and Corpse Walter. Somehow. Because I thought it would be funny at the time.

And fun times were had by all (except Henry).

So now you know! Info post over.

I thought it might be interesting to post a little background since any Walter turning up is kind of an irregular thing at the Bar and I thought no-one would really remember the poor corpse. That, and I'm always looking for an excuse to post silly fanart. Always! :D


  1. That first image... can never be... unseen... X.X

  2. Haha, I laughed so hard when I found it on pixiv. Cracky art like that really gets me. :)

  3. This is all really cool! I need to play a Silent Hill game one of these days.

  4. Life is a little less brilliant without you around... hit us up if you have some free time!
