Monday 3 October 2011


It's lunchtime and I'm starting to calm down now but I've had a rage-worthy morning. All made up of first world problems, of course, but still rather frustrating. I won't bore you too much with the details but the gist of it is this:
  • Got into a fight over something stupid and embarrassing with my mother and brother five minutes after I woke up
  • Ended up being too late for my first train because of this
  • When I went to catch the late train, traffic was so far backed up that a trip that normally takes 7 minutes by car took me about 40
  • Caught the late train by the skin of my teeth, the late train is then delayed less than a minute's distance away from my stop because of tresspassers on the track
  • Finally get to work an hour and a half later than usual and urgent work is piled up ready to ambush me
  • My work colleague is on leave this week so I am covering her workload as well as mine, and I am also covering the role of someone who has moved jobs as well
I know, I know, I should be happy to have a job and be able to pay my mortgage. But when I see other positions out there where they're asking for similar or fewer skills and experience for more money, it's highly agravating (needless to say, I am applying for aforementioned jobs). There are more cuts planned for next year so things are only going to get worse before they get better. It's a bad time to be a public sector worker.

On a lesser note of annoyance, the work computers can't view animated gifs and have issues with various things so I can't actually add comments on these blogs while I'm here. I know I'm here to work but man, that makes lunchtimes such less fun. :<

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